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100% proof that the Bible is true using science


Updated: May 1, 2023

I wish I was that knowledgeable as the gentleman who authored this course. He is a former atheist who turned Christian after studying a wide variety of religions. If you're a Christian who is overwhelmed (and having you doubt your faith) when evolutionist give you a mouthful of "fast speaking double talk(hey do you have two tens for a five?)" (that may seem true at first glace), I highly recommend you visit this course. Yes there are other youtube videos and such out there BUT this course lays it all out for you in an easy to read fashion (just like a book). He challenges one of the major atheist activists (Aron Ra) in many sections of the course.

The good news is that about 95% of this course is free so you can watch the "preview" sections for free. However as I feel the author did this as a labor of love for God rather than trying to make a profit, I purchased the course. I highly recommend this course. Please share it with others if you can. It deserves wide spread sharing.

Click on this link and then scroll all the way to the bottom till you see this and then click on the preview.


Praise Yahweh

I am an admitted sinner working my best to to live a life of following Jesus, repenting of my sins.]


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