I saw this on twitter and it intrigued my curiosity. I'd like to address these 1 by 1 with my thoughts and references (books like "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist" by Geisler/Turek, etc..
The author of the jpg may have "heard it all before" but that does not mean those points are false. Other examples of "I heard it all before" can be a released convicted felon who has to hear others bring up what they did 10 years ago. A college student taking a specific course (which requires pre-requisites) where the professor spends time "re-hashing what was taught in the pre-requisite courses"), etc..
This one is relatively easy and not a "Big Logic Fail"
This is the "Who created God?" response. Beings are indeed created. God is not a being. He was not created.
"Current Scientific Knowledge" will infinitely never understand how God created all. They can't even prove how the earth was over 6000 years ago (they can only speculate and fill in the gaps themselves where they have no true answers. It's only considered "lazy" by those who reject God. The Bible was written approx 3000 years ago to AD 90. God's chosen people were instructed to write down what was "God breathed" (as is stated several places in the Bible (ie, Timothy, etc..). The authors were not scientists nor was God obligated to show anyone how he does things.
Many other religions acknowledge Jesus. Judaism, Islam (Islam affirms Jesus was a prophet), Ahmadiyya, Hinduism, Buddhists, The New Age Movement, etc...
The bible speaks of false gods (ie, Baal, Molech, etc..). You can see a whole list here .
The individual who created this course is a former atheist who studied numerous religions and found the Bible to be accurate compared to the other religions. I believe the Bible is accurate and it teaches of false gods so I am not concerned/slighted in the least about what other religions have to say about the topic. There is also little scientific evidence to support atheism despite the claims of atheists.
It's not really a "made up answer" more than atheists who believe in no god. The book: "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist" as well as many debates who lay it out that it makes no sense that "nothing can create all" and it makes no sense that "nothing, by chance, created all we are today with the precision of the universe". There is more reasoning that a creator (not a being) created what we see before our eyes today. Even atheists cannot explain how "nothing, by chance, was able to create what we see today". A creator is the best logical path. Without a creator, atheists will forever be searching the answer of how time/space/matter was created all at once with their interdependencies.
There is enough scientific evidence to confirm the history of what the Bible teaches. The legal system of the USA (and other countries) is evidence that they used the foundation of the Bible by which to determine what is against the law and what is ok. By the standards of the atheist, how would they determine that murder is bad? I mean, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, etc.. were atheists and they did not think there was anything morally wrong with murdering over 100+ million people.
If you want scientific evidence of the Bible, this course by a former atheist is all about the science and he will explain where scientists are deceiving the public in numerous areas. 95% of this course is free so you can scroll to the bottom and click the "Preview" link to each chapter. Nothing is being hidden.
We believe that we have evolved from what God created each of us to be since Genesis. Man has evolved as man. Ape has evolved as ape. Evolution of man to another form of man, ape to another form of ape, bird to another form of bird has been proven and observed. Anything that has not been observed is nothing but a unverified theory. Nobody is "attacking evolution". Just because others don't agree with your belief system (and atheism is a belief system where God does not exist), it does not mean anyone is "attacking you". I have seen so many vile and disgusting comments, jpegs, gifs from atheists who reply to someone's twitter who believes and tweets in a God. Who's "attacking" who?