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Can Genesis be true and the earth be billions of years old?


Updated: May 1, 2023

A long standing difference between non-creationists and creationists is the belief (neither proven with empirical scientific evidence) is that the earth is billions of years old vs the earth is 6000 years old. This 7-8 minute video, however, shows how both answers can be correct according to the Book of Genesis. There is a door open in Genesis (with biblical references) that the earth, can indeed, be billions of years old.

A summary of the video (watching is highly recommended because of the biblical verses that are referenced). The period between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 describes what could be the rebellion of satan casting the earth into total darkness and chaos for a long, long time. Please watch the video if you're a Christian struggling with this "6000 year old age" dilemma.

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Praise Yahweh

I am an admitted sinner working my best to to live a life of following Jesus, repenting of my sins.]


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