So that the left does not think I'm just calling them out, there are a few other movements that alter/twist the word of God. One such movement is the "Prosperity Gospel" movement or "Word of Faith".
Taken from this article here
The prosperity gospel/health and wealth gospel mostly known as the "Word of Faith" movement.
It is anti-Biblical on so many levels.
This article describes it well.
1. Faith
For adherents of the prosperity gospel, faith is defined by its efficacy. “Faith was only faith because it worked,” Bowler says. Instead of faith being the rational trust in the proclaimed Word of God in accord with available evidence, the faith of prosperity gospel adherents is positive thinking and expectation of God’s material blessing. Positive thinking, called faith, necessarily results in material blessings if it is sincere. This is the simple law of faith according to the prosperity gospel.
2. Wealth
According to the prosperity gospel, financial blessing is a guaranteed result of faith in God. Bowler explains that for prosperity gospel adherents,
Money served as a common and practical means of assessing one’s faith.
With respect to material wealth, faith was “a loose Christian equivalent to Hinduism’s karma, an explanation for causality in which all actions brought good or ill consequences.” To be a faithful Christian is to expect wealth from God.
3. Health
For prosperity gospel believers, God blesses the faithful with good health as a provision of the atonement. All prosperity gospel believers see a connection between good health and spiritual blessedness.
Health is the result of positive thinking or “claiming” the health that Jesus’ atonement has already paid for. Poor health is either attributed to satanic attack that has not yet been overcome, or a weakness of faith.
The names of some of the anti-Biblical/scripture twisting ministers/preachers and pastors that are a part of this (and their churches/teachings should be avoided at all costs) include Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Ken Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, etc.. They are mega millionaires spreading false Gospel. I feel so bad for those in the congregation that actually think what they preach is the Word of God.
Some of their rediculous highlites are included here
Jesse Duplantis
TD Jakes
Sarah Jakes
Joel Osteen
Kenneth Copeland
This refers to left wing Progressive Christianity and the Right Wing Propserity Gospel.
Please listen to the free audio.