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Are the secular science journals 100% fact 100% of the time?


I see it a lot on social media. Atheists calling Christians "science deniers". They seem to treat the secular science journals as "100% truth all of the time because it's been peer reviewed by other secular scientists".

As a Christian and a software dev/architect, I have worked for 3 companies that deal with molecular biology, chemistry and spectrometers to identify risks for viruses. That's science.

My mgr at one place has a PHD in molecular biology and is a Christian. Our project manager was a pastor at his own church. There were also other Christians that I ran into at these places in high positions. One of our best developers for allele generation models was brilliant at science and has a MS in theology along with his other degrees in Math/CS from a university in the UK.

I'm here to combat the myth that "Christians are science deniers" and that "Only peer reviewed publications in the secular science journals are always undeniable truth and 100% reliable. If it's not in the secular science journals, then it's a myth".


Another thing you will hear is that they're so ever close to discovering the origin of life. Popular secular scientist Lee Cronin threw a wrench into the fire when he shocked his fellow secular scientists and the community of atheists (some of whom mock Christians)


Peer reviewed science journals such as this are considered to be "fact"(with respect to the fossil record and macroevolution. Many say the fossil record is not a fossil record as it shows no transitions in place. Even after these publications, stories like this come out (I suspect a lot more since this article was released)

Click on the image to get to the story


This stuff was happening back in 2011. Please see this




I can go on and on with examples. The key takeaway is that the secular science journals are not the holy grail of truth as many atheists insinuate. "Creation science is not in the secular science journals, therefore is a myth".



Praise Yahweh

I am an admitted sinner working my best to to live a life of following Jesus, repenting of my sins.]


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