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Is there evidence for the Gospels?


Updated: Dec 29, 2024

In atheist circles, you will always hear that there is zero evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. They will never stop saying that.

When they say "prove it", they're expecting scientific empirical proof. The reality is that God/Jesus and their miracles are "immaterial". 1st century non-Christians acknowledge the existence of Jesus. That's still not good enough for the atheists. So my question to them (which I never get a reasonable answer) is "How do you propose 'material science' to prove the immaterial?".

As per evidence of the Gospels that they claim does not exist, consider James Warner Wallace who was a successful homicide detective who solved cases with no DNA by using forensic statement analysis. He was also hardcore atheist and mocker of Christianity. He set out to prove the Gospels wrong and went into that 8+ month investigation using forenstic statement analysis of the gospels. If you want to know how all of that turned out, the real James Warner Wallace explains his 8 month endeavor of attempting to disprove the Gospel. For anyone that says "There is no evidence", one can say "forensic statement analysis" IS evidence.



Praise Yahweh

I am an admitted sinner working my best to to live a life of following Jesus, repenting of my sins.]


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