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An Important Read: Is wokism biblical and does it aim for a unified society for peace/love?


This is a very important post and I hope it finds its way to readers.

Please consider to buy or listen to this book. The audio book is cheap. I got mine for under $3. Used hardbacks are dirt cheap (ie, $4-$5) and Kindle (more expensive) is a good option too. I have the kindle book and it's worth it.

I'm still in the process of reading this book but it provides an excellent overview of how wokism is infecting Christianity and how unbiblical it is.

From the book, here is wokism IS NOT. The left will deceive people into thinking this is really a good thing when all it aims to do is to collapse the current society and rebrand it to a system of division and prejuduce to different races and "perceived oppressors and oppressed" into classes and rank them to calculate who gets more privilage, property, benefits, etc.. Christians are at the bottom of the rank. If you're a black Christian, you may move up a notch on their scale but you'll still be oppressed. If you're a white fundamentalist Christian, you'll be rock bottom and the one to become the most oppressed.

Here is what wokism is not (despite the propaganda)you may hear implying it's love and unity. Credit goes to the book above. Wokism is defined below further.

Skipping to the next section. Here is what wokism is.

And for the kicker.. Wokism is marxism pure and simple. It aims to destroy the current culture to usher in communism silently by revolution until it's too late and that people have not had a chance to wake up. Communism never works. Wokism is anti-biblical.

Her definition of wokism is just as effective.

Xi Van Fleet: What is woke? Woke is cultural marxism customized for a Christian culture. It would not work in a non-Christian culture. The left uses Christian virtues against the Christians.

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